
Studio : Ateliers de la ville
1 place de Lorette
Fr-13002 Marseille


Born in the Paris region, moves to Belgium to study javelin.

Narrowly escapes a pedalo accident in Ostende and consequently decides to enrol in art school in Nantes, Nice and finally Lyon.

Born 1988 in Meaux, lives and works pretty much everywhere.

Pragmatism is the driving force for a practice looking to make the most of the junk spewed out by the consumption circuit – everyday objects made for everyday planned obsolescence – and by the revamped paradigms of the industrial past. This is experimentation on the scale of a unique undertaking whose cost can only (maybe) be measured against a purpose often lurking in the pleasures of a parallel economy bent on pushing space to its limits. These objects and devices make no secret of their presence, still vibrant with traces of their original design and all the adjustments and retouchings, all the ruses and crafty bricolage brought to bear on the savoir-faire behind a found spare part, on the tweakings and the technical and technological appropriations being pumped out on the networks. And the force harnessed in the device sets up a full-time tension in the exhibition space, an energy to be shared.

Lise Guéhénneux

Foot Locker, 2015 - Copycat Building, Baltimore

Dans les sous-sols d’un entrepôt un magasin de sneakers et casquettes de football en terre cuite. Dans un coin de la boue qui coule avec des exemplaires qui sèchent au coin du feu.

Foot Locker, 2015- Copycat Building, Baltimore

Dans les sous-sols d’un entrepôt un magasin de sneakers et casquettes de football en terre cuite. Dans un coin de la boue qui coule avec des exemplaires qui sèchent au coin du feu.

Chopper Desk, 2012 - Fish Factory, Stordvafjordur, Islande

Un ventilateur de plafond virevolte au dessus d’un bureau. Le souffle des pales est amplifié vers un caisson de basse comme un hélicoptère au décollage.

Still, 2011- Villa Arson, Nice

Un alambique disperse ses vapeurs dans l’espace. Après un certain temps l’ivresse se fait sentir.

Untitleled, 2012 - Fish Factory, Stordvafjordur, Islande

Some modified fire sprinklers spits fire.